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.SG Transfer

What is registrar transfer?

Registrar  transfer is a process to transfer a domain name from a registrar to another new  registrar as sponsoring registrar. If the domain names were registered within  WebNIC, partners should initiate reseller transfer process, partners may refer  to “Reseller Transfer” FAQ for more information.

Under what circumstances, domain name is eligible  for a registrar transfer?
Generally, the  rules to transfer a domain are as below; some domain suffixes may have  different rules, please refer to below for the extra rules of the respective  domain suffixes.

  • Only the administrative person   of domain has authority for domain transfer;
  • Domain name which has been   expired is allowed to perform a registrar transfer in   provided that the domain current registrar allows   transferring out the domain name;
  • Domain name must be registered more than 60 days;
  • Domain name must be renewed for more than 45 days;
  • Domain name must be under Active status;
  • Ensure the domain name is not involved in any  legal or payment dispute;
  • Ensure the email address of the   administrative contact for the domain name must be   valid. We correspond with the administrative contact for   the transfer request approval.;
  • Ensure the domain name is not involve in any   Evidence of fraud, UDRP action or  a Court order by a court of   competent jurisdiction and Reasonable dispute over  the identity of the   Registered Name Holder or Administrative Contact;
  • Ensure the domain name is not involved in   any payment issue with previous registration  period (including credit   card charge-backs) if the domain name is past its  expiration date or   for previous or current registration periods if the domain  name has not   yet expired. In all such cases, however, the domain name must be  put   into "Registrar Hold" status by the Registrar of Record prior to  the   denial of transfer.
.SG Transfer Requirement
Domain name must be  registered for more than 14 days in order to perform a registrar transfer. Gaining registrar  must be an accredited registrar for .sg domain name and the transfer is require  to initiate 7 days before the expiry date.

How do I initiate a registrar transfer request?
Login into your registrar control panel and request transfer out password

How the whole Registrar Transfer process goes  through?
1.Initiate the registrar transfer request via http://manage.ix.sg/;
2.Domain admin will not receive transfer authorization email and the registrar transfer request for the domain will be initiated immediately.
3.Submission will failed if:
     Authorization code is incorrect;
     Domain status not allowed for transfer.
4.The registrar transfer will require 2-10 days to complete.
5.Notification email will be sent to registrant on the transfer status.

Why do I encountered “Authorization Error”  when approved the transfer request?
“Authorization  Error” is error message returned from registry stated that the Authorization  Information entered during the transfer request submission was invalid.
Please advise  the domain registrant contact current registrar to obtain the valid/correct  Authorization Information and re-initiate the transfer request.

Why my customer encountered “Object status prohibits operation” when approved the transfer request?
A domain name must be in Active status in order to approve or transfer a domain name.
Error “Object status prohibits operation” was due the domain name currently is under Lock status, please contact the current registrar to unlock the domain and retry to approve the transfer request.

What is “Authorization Information” and how do I  obtain it?
“Authorization  Information” is a set of  characters “password” that assigned for a domain name. Domain  registrant may obtain the domain’s authorization information from the domain  current registrar.

How long does it take to transfer a domain name to Internet Exchange?
A registrar transfer process will requires 2-10 business days to complete.

How much does it takes to transfer a domain name?
Domain expiry date will not be extended upon the successfully of the  transfer, therefore, neither renewal fee nor transfer fee is required.

What should I do to transfer out the domain names from my account to other registrar?
Login into http://manage.ix.sg/ with your credential and Select your domain to be managed. Select "Get EPP Code".

What will happen if a domain name was transferred  within 45 calendar days after the auto-renewal date?
If a domain name  was transferred within 45 calendar days after the auto-renewal date, the  renewal year added by losing registrar will drop while the gaining registrar  will add one year to the domain’s expiry date. Therefore, the expiration date  will remain the same.

Can I cancel a Registrar transfer and how do I  cancel it?
Yes, customers are allowed to cancel a registrar transfer if the transfer request has yet approved  by the domain administrator. Please send us the request by creating a Support Ticket.

I did not receive the registrar transfer  authorization email, how do I resend the authorization email?
Please send us the request by creating a Support Ticket.

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